Barn Re-roofing

The roof over the stables was in a particularly poor condition, so decided to have it removed and replaced with modern steel cladding. A job I left to the professionals - Darren had the old sheets of in half a day and a couple of his mates installed and fixed the new roof in the afternoon.

Rebuild Barn Wall

One year  we had to store hay in the top barn. Unfortunately the person doing the loading (not me!) Got a bit too carried away trying to squeeze them in and managed to buldge out the back of the barn wall. It had to be demolished and rebuilt.

 Yard Drainage

Replaced the old stone culvert drain which connected into another field drain with a more modern plastic corrugated one

Top Shed drainage

Land behind the top shed used to get very soggy because of the way the land drained. Dug a small ditch and fitted perforated land drain connecting to main yard drain.

Granary Re-roofing

Granary roof was asbestos type and was beginning to flake and leak in a few places. Removed old roof and fitted new steel clad one.

Post and Rail “The Green”

Combined beautification and security project to fence of the “green” as you approach the house.

Yard Resurfacing

Latest project (Sept 2017), finally got fed up with cracked and crumbling concrete yard and had it resurfaced with asphalt. Expensive, but worth it.

Post Hole Borer Holder

Borer is an ungainly piece of kit and was difficult to fit and remove from the tractor, and needed to be partly drilled into the ground before removing. It would sometimes fall over requiring a difficult task to lift up and support before it could be fitted. I thought a “simpler” method would be to build a small pit to support it.

topbarnwall barn re-roofing

Farm Projects - page 2

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yarddrainage Farm Projects - Page 1 Farm Projects - Page 3 home granary reroofing

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yardresurfacing post and rail

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